Review of Tess of the d'Urbervilles

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In conclusion, the novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles was interesting and I liked it alot. I also liked the plot, because as the reader, I felt I didn’t know what was going to happen next. The beginning of the novel got off to a very slow start, but towards the end of phase the first and beginning of phase the second, it began to get more interesting. I did not particularly like how much detail Thomas Hardy put into the novel. At the beginning of each chapter there was always a big paragraph that described the scene, but I sometimes thought that it was a bit too much. Because of all the detail, I also found that there were a lot of sentences that felt like they went on and on for too long. Something that upset me about the novel was that I did not like was how much detail Hardy put into the first ¾ of the novel, but towards the end I felt like it was rushed. He didn’t put as much detail into it, and made it fell like he wanted to end the novel quickly. Another thing that upset me about the novel, was how Tess never stood up for herself, by letting Angel and especially Alec always tell her what to do and push her around. She was also constantly crying, which tended to annoy me. I don’t really think any events in the novel remained in my mind, except for how the police found Tess at the end of the novel in Stonehenge. I don’t really have a question for Thomas Hardy that I would ask him. Finally, I don’t think I would recommend this novel to a friend, unless they liked this kind of novel, but I would recommend it to an English class to study, that was at our same level of comprehension and reading level.